Privacy Policy



This Privacy Policy shall apply for the use of PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya (“we”, “us”, or “our”) and services provided by you as an individual, business entity, legal entity who accessing or using PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya. This Privacy sets out how we collect, use, maintain, and keep the Information (as defined below).


This Privacy Policy is an integral and inseparable part of GTC. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, any terms defined in GTC shall have the same meaning when used in this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy is made in English language and Indonesian language. If there is a conflict or inconsistency between the English language version and the Indonesian language version, the Indonesian language version will prevail.



 We will collect the following information (“Information”) from you:

a. information that could identify you including but not limited to your name, age, gender, phone numbers, location, email, password, financial information or other relevant information, biometric information (including face recognition), internet protocol address;

b. Information automatically collected from your device and any devices and vehicles used in relation to the services we provided in PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya;

c. Other information collected in various forms and purposes as permitted by prevailing laws and regulations.



 We may use Information we collected for any of the following purposes as well as for such other purposes as are permitted by prevailing laws and regulations:

a. to identify you and to register you as a user, as well as to administer, manage, or validate your Account;

b. to process and facilitate orders and payment transactions made by you, including transactions conducted using payment systems and services offered over PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya, as applicable;

c. to provide you the information on PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya and how to use it;

d. to evaluate, analyse, and improve our products and services We analyse your accounts using aggregated data and alter our products and services accordingly. We also process your Information to compile analytics report for internal development purposes;

e. to connect with you and send you information, including updates to PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya or changes to the manner in which the services are to be provided; and

f. to send you direct marketing and promotional communications and information on special offers or promotions if you have given your permission to do so. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time if you do not wish to receive them.



We may disclose to or share your Information with affiliates and other parties for any of the following purposes as well as for such other purposes as are permitted by prevailing laws and regulations (although we will in each such case always act reasonably and disclose or share no more Information that what is required for the particular purpose):

a. in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, for the purpose so specified in that prevailing laws and regulations; or in accordance with any other request, order, directive or other instruction from a governmental authority;

b. for the purpose of any legal proceeding between you and us, or between you and another party, in connection with, or relating to PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya, for the purposes of that legal proceeding;

c. where we share your Information with third parties, such as our information technology partners for the purposes of technical and operational maintenance; payment service providers for the purpose of payment process made through PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya; and marketing service providers for the purpose of personal data storing in databases that are used for marketing purposes; and

d. where we share your Information with external parties, we will take the necessary contractual, technical and organizational measures to guarantee that your Information are only used by those external parties to the extent that such use is necessary for the reasons outlined in this Privacy Policy. The external parties may only access you Information in accordance with contractual obligations with PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya and prevailing laws and regulations.



 We have taken adequate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality and security of your Information. We have implemented appropriate technical, physical and organizational safeguards to protect personal data from unintentional or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, damage, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access, as well as all other forms of unlawful processing (including, but not limited to, unnecessary collection) or further processing.



 Your Information will only be held for as long as it is needed to fulfil the purpose for which it was acquired, or for as long as current prevailing laws and regulations demand or authorize such retention. As soon as it is reasonable to assume that the purpose for which the Information was collected is no longer by retention of Information and retention is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes, we will cease to retain the Information, or remove the means by which the information can be associated with you as an individual.



We may, at our sole discretion, review and amend this Privacy Policy from time to time, to ensure that it reflects our current and future developments, and/or changes in legal or regulatory requirements. If we decide to amend this Privacy Policy, we will notify you of any such amendments by means of general notice published via the PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya, PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya or otherwise to your e-mail address set out in your Account. You agree that it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy on a regular basis for most up-to-date information on our data processing and data protection practices, and that your continued use of PT Energi Indonesia Berkarya, as well as communications with us, following any amendments to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance to the amendments.


    7. COOKIES

 Cookies are a collection of data devices received from a site and send back data to the site. With cookies, you no longer need to make settings every time you visit the site, because your history will be recorded.

The function of cookies include:

a. keep login information;

b. enable site to provide more personalized content;

c. keep the settings of visited site.



By accepting the Privacy Policy, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy and you accept all of its terms. In particular, you agree and consent to us collecting, using, disclosing, storing, transferring, or otherwise processing your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.



If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or you would like to obtain access and/or make corrections to your Information, please contact:

Email          :

Phone        : +62 821 1000 1008

All communication and correspondences will be noted, recorded, and stored for our records.

    10. LANGUAGE

 This Privacy Policy is made in the English Language. If required by law, the Parties shall sign a Bahasa Indonesia version of this Privacy Policy. In the absence of Bahasa Indonesia version, the Parties hereby disclaim any benefit from, or any right to cancel or declare this letter as null and void because of absence of Bahasa Indonesia version pursuant to any law. In the event of any inconsistency between the Indonesian and English version, the English version shall prevail.